So as we enter the Autumn and Winter months and the colder weather lets have a look at your skincare products.
A good moisturiser is a must to keep skin in its top condition and protect it from the harsh conditions of the cold and central heating, which can still dehydrate your skin, and dry it out. In turn this can premature the skin making it look older than it is.
As I have mentioned before in a post, drinking plenty of water doesn't actually help your skin, the water you drink always goes to your organs first, than skin last. Having a moisturiser that contains ingredients like shea butter or oils can help replenish and protect the skin. If your unsure on what to go for, either visit a beauty counter who can give you a skincare consultation or look for products that say they hydrate, quench your skin ( obviously check it is right for your skin type i.e dry, oily, sensitive, mature )
It isn't just your face though that will battle with the winter months. Your body and hair can also suffer with the extreme conditions. If your not already giving your hair a good deep conditioning once in a while, it worth doing so in the winter months, and using a oil like argon oil before blowing drying can help with keeping it in top condition.
Your body had to battle with extra layers, wool, central heating, and a lot of people forget about moisturising this part. There are plenty of lovely body moisturisers out there to keep it hydrated and again look for products that contain shea butter or even aloe vera.
Another part of the body often forgotten and suffers a lot in the winter is the hands. Not only is it drying out everytime you wash your hands, but now it has to battle with the weather, central heating and of course gloves. Treat your hands to a good moisturiser that you can keep in your bag, and depending on how dry your hands are, a deep treatment overnight would be beneficial too ( cover your hand with a good moisturiser and put gloves on and leave overnight ).
Below are some of the products, I recommend - some are off high street, some are premium, just remember to check it for your skin type first i.e some products are for all skin types, others may have two verison - one for very dry/dry and one for normal/oily/combi
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